I should be studying right now seeing as I have final exams this week but I just had an experience worthy of this series, so here I am.

Before I get into today’s experience, you’re going to need some background info from last weekend. It’ll all make sense in the end!

Last weekend, I had a concert; I am involved with the women’s glee club on campus. We also did a piece with the men’s glee club. They were hosting an after party and I figured if I wanted to attend a house party, this would be my chance.

I went with a girl I know and she’s super cool. She’ll be know as Joy. We also work on a student publication together so obviously we have very similar interests.

Anyway, so we went, and the party was kind of lacking. There were not  many people so it was kind of awkward. One of Joy’s friends texted her inviting us (there was another one of Joy’s friends that was not in glee; we were allowed to bring friends, she’ll be called Darby) to a different party.

This party wasn’t much bigger but not awkward at all. The glee one literally had a guy dancing with himself in the corner. . .

At the party, Darby decided it was going to be her goal to set me up with some guy, even though she did not know anyone at the party.

She literally walked up to a guy and said my friend thinks you’re cute and then left. I laughed awkwardly and apologized about her. Thankfully he laughed, and then replied saying that he thought I was cute, but that he was unfortunately taken. Then he kissed my hand. . .

I of course then left and sat with Darby on one of the couches. Next thing you know, a guy walks by and Darby grabs him by the arm and asked if he had any single friends. He said that his single friend had just left, but that he was single. Darby was elated of course and then left us on the couch.

We will call this guy Lance. He was decently cute, tall granted I am 5’3″ so everyone is tall to me but anyway, and had brown and and eyes. He seemed really nice and was in now way pushy or trying to make me do anything. He wasn’t socially awkward but he wasn’t super confident either. Surprisingly we also had a decent amount in common.

At the end of the night, as my friends and I were going to leave, Lance asked for my number. I figured what the heck. He said he would text me. . .

Fast forward one week and no word.

I went to get dinner and low and behold who do I see walking around the car? You guessed it: Lance. I swear I think my heart stopped from shock. He lives in the dorm building across the way from me so it wasn’t as if the idea of running into him hadn’t crossed my mind but I was still shocked obviously. I then went to go grab a drink and sit down and then I ended up walking right past him because he was sitting in the area that I was going to. Note: not confirmed of whether or not he saw me because I sort of hurried away not looking.

I had to walk back that way when I was done eating, but he was gone.

Hope you enjoyed!!


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